Maths Pack

With the Learning Unlimited Australia Easy Maths Pack you can buy all of Mr Handley's mathematics books at a discounted price and receive a bonus audio CD as well

The pack consists of:

Speed Mathematics—Secrets of Lightning Mental Calculation - New 3rd edition.
A revolutionary approach to teaching basic mathematics. Speed Mathematics teaches simple methods that will enable you to make lightning calculations - multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, working with fractions, squaring numbers and extracting square roots. The book includes easy methods for mental long division, tests for divisibility, and will have you performing like a genius. The book has a whole, integrated approach to mathematics that will appeal to all ages. Includes explanations why the methods work.

Speed Maths For Kids. This is a new release that teaches how to play and experiment with the methods taught in Speed Mathematics. The book plays with reference numbers, using negative substitute numbers for casting out nines and for direct multiplication. Speed Maths For Kids teaches new ways to use the strategies and gives insights into the principles taught in Speed Mathematics. The book is essential for teachers, parents and homeschoolers.

Teach Your Children Tables, third edition, the best-selling paperback that will not only teach tables, but will give your class hours of enjoyment with the maths shortcuts and entertaining puzzles. There is also a chapter on logical thinking and problem solving. The second edition has added information on teaching very young children, a variation of direct multiplication, playing with Alphametic puzzles to develop an understanding of how numbers work, and an expanded section on puzzles and problem-solving.

The Easy Maths textbook for classroom use with worksheets at the back. Includes worksheets which may be copied for classroom use.

Speed Mathematics CD. A 60 minute audio CD - a companion to the book.

Purchase all of the above for AU$85.00 plus postage. Teachers and home-schoolers can purchase all of the above and the Teachers' Handbook with advice on teaching the methods plus handout sheets for photocopying for AU$130 plus postage.

Order online with PayPal

Click here for Maths order form.

The author of the material, Bill Handley, spends much of the year travelling, teaching students, teachers, student teachers these revolutionary methods. He is a popular public speaker at conferences.

To write Bill, or ask a question about the strategies, click here.

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