Just imagine:
Having a class of high achievers.
Being known as a highly successful teacher.
Having a class of highly motivated (well behaved) students.
You can teach your students the multiplication tables up to the twenty times
tables in one lesson.
You can teach them how to check their work so they appear never to make a
mistake. They will get high marks for every test.
You can, using the simple strategies taught in our Teachers Easy Maths Pack.
With the Easy Maths textbook the student will learn:
Easy Maths teaches these
skills by means of a simple formula that allows the student to master the basic
multiplication tables in minutes and be multiplying large numbers mentally. The
students master the principles and skills quickly and, because they see results
for their efforts, they are willing to put in an even greater effort.
The Teach Your Children Tables paperback also teaches
The Speed Mathematics book
and cassette programmes are comprehensive, teaching:
Speed Maths Workshops can be arranged
in schools for benefit of teachers and students. Contact Learning Unlimited
Australia for details.
With the Teachers' Easy Math Pack you receive:
Mathematics 3rd edition - Secrets of Lightning Mental Calculation. A revolutionary approach
to teaching basic mathematics. Motivate yourself and your students. Your
students will perform like geniuses and love it. Includes explanations why the
methods work.
Speed Maths For Kids.
This is a new release that teaches how to play and experiment with the methods taught in Speed Mathematics.
The book plays with reference numbers, using negative substitute numbers for casting out nines
and for direct multiplication. Speed Maths For Kids teaches new ways to use the strategies
and gives insights into the principles taught in Speed Mathematics.
The book is essential for teachers, parents and homeschoolers.
Your Children Tables, second edition, the best-selling paperback that will not only teach tables, but will give your class hours of enjoyment with the maths shortcuts and entertaining puzzles. There are also chapters on logical thinking and problem solving. The second edition has added material on teaching very young children, an easy method of direct multiplication, and alphametic puzzles to give an understanding of how numbers work.
Easy Maths textbook for classroom use with worksheets at the back. Includes
worksheets which may be copied for classroom use.
Speed Mathematics Teachers' Workbook for classroom use. The book has chapters on teaching the methods in the classroom. Includes practice sheets and handout sheets for students which may be copied for classroom use - not for use by an entire school.
Easy Maths teachers' cassettes to help the teacher use the methods in the
Speed Mathematics comprehensive math program with four extra long-play audio
cassette tapes and three workbooks.
The author of the material,
Bill Handley, spends much of the year travelling, teaching students, teachers,
student teachers these revolutionary methods. He is a popular public speaker at
To write Bill, or ask a question
about the strategies, click here.
Order online with PayPal
Click here for Maths
order form.
Click here for Maths Practice Worksheets for classroom use (PDF files).
Click here for Information sheet on Rules of English Pronunciation and Phonics. (PDF files).